dDAC Duty Time Limitation Software

dDAC Duty Time Limitation Software

dDAC Duty Time Limitation Software

“Duty Time Limitation Software” for maintenance personnel is a specialized tool designed to manage and monitor the working hours, duty periods, and rest requirements of maintenance and engineering staff in the aviation industry. This software is essential to ensure compliance with regulatory guidelines, enhance safety, and prevent fatigue-related errors in aircraft maintenance. Here’s an overview of the key features and functionalities associated with Duty Time Limitation Software for maintenance personnel:

Here Are Some Key Features & Functionalities

Duty Period Calculation

Duty Period Calculation

Calculates and tracks the total duty time for maintenance personnel, considering factors such as shift work, on-call duty, and overtime. Duty periods may include tasks like aircraft inspections, repairs, and maintenance activities.

Rest Period Calculation

Determines the minimum required rest periods between duty periods to prevent fatigue. The software considers various parameters, including the complexity of maintenance tasks, the criticality of the work, and any extended work hours.

Task Prioritization

Task Prioritization

Allows for the prioritization of maintenance tasks based on urgency, complexity, and other factors. This feature helps in managing workload effectively and prevents situations where maintenance personnel might be overloaded with critical tasks.

Integration with Maintenance Systems

Integrates with other maintenance and engineering systems used by airlines or maintenance organizations. This integration ensures that data related to scheduled maintenance tasks, work orders, and personnel availability is synchronized across different platforms.



Offers customization options to accommodate specific company policies, regulatory requirements, and the unique nature of maintenance operations. The ability to tailor the software to the organization’s needs is crucial for its effective implementation.

Reporting and Analytics

Provides reporting tools and analytics to assess trends, identify potential fatigue risks, and improve overall maintenance operations. Reports may include information on personnel utilization, compliance metrics, and fatigue-related incidents.

User-Friendly Interface

User-Friendly Interface

Features an intuitive interface for easy navigation and data input. Maintenance personnel and supervisors should be able to use the software efficiently to manage schedules, view alerts, and input relevant information.

By utilizing Duty Time Limitation Software for maintenance personnel, aviation organizations can enhance safety, reduce the risk of errors, and improve overall maintenance efficiency by effectively managing the work hours and rest periods of their maintenance staff.

Features and Specifications


Regulatory Compliance

The software is developed to align with aviation regulations and standards related to duty time and rest limitations for maintenance personnel. It ensures that maintenance operations adhere to the prescribed guidelines set by relevant aviation authorities such as the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) or EASA (European Union Aviation Safety Agency).

Shift Scheduling

Facilitates the creation and management of shift schedules for maintenance personnel. It helps optimize work rotations to ensure that staff is adequately rested and available when needed, avoiding excessive fatigue that could impact performance and safety.


Alerts and Notifications

Provides real-time alerts and notifications to maintenance personnel and supervisors when duty time limits are approaching or have been exceeded. This helps in the proactive management of fatigue-related risks and ensures compliance with regulations.

Total 100+ Years of Experience in The Aviation Sector and Information Technology.

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